Vibratory analysis

As a manufacturer of vibrating machines, screens, pan feeders, dewatering screen, among others, BONNET is daily confronted with the constraints caused by vibrations and their impact on the lifepan of machines and infrastructures.

In order to meet these specific constraints, BONNET, has, through its experience, designed solutions that ensure the durability of its machines and established construction rules for load-bearing structures, whether manufactured by Bonnet or by other suppliers.

Equipped with specific devices to measure accelerations, displacements and speeds, BONNET engineers check and validate the designs defined for the machines after calculations ensued from test rig.

Vibratory analysis is a state-of-the-art technique also used in maintenance, to detect equipment degradation before breaking point.

This technique is used in predictive maintenance to anticipate equipment deterioration and avoid production shutdown.
Vibration analysis can be performed automatically by installing a series of sensors on your installations for permanent monitoring of key system elements.

The analysis can also be carried out punctually with mobile equipment by our experts.

This technique is used in predictive maintenance to anticipate equipment deterioration and avoid production shutdown. These analyses can be performed automatically by installing a series of sensors on your installations, for a permanent monitoring of key system elements. This service can also be carried out punctually with mobile equipment by our experts.